Procurement - Purchase & Inventory System

Procurement - Purchase & Inventory System

Inventory Management lets you manage all the orders and inventory. It includes various modules such as Vendor Management, Inventory Transfer, Stock Management, Purchase Order Management and many more. Many organizations have been using this system to manage order from the customers, track business revenue, product pricing, optimized planning and more.

Procurement - Purchase & Inventory System

Modules of Inventory Management

Current Inventory Upload/ Open Inventory

Current Inventory Upload/ Open Inventory

Purchase Request

Purchase Request

Goods in

Goods in

Bills Management

Bills Management

Purchase Return

Purchase Return

Sales Order Management

Sales Order Management

Goods Out

Goods Out

Goods Out Return

Goods Out Return

Expiry Dates Alert

Expiry Dates Alert

General Information Management

General Information Management

Composite Products

Composite Products

Product Transfer

Product Transfer

Inventory Adjustments

Inventory Adjustments



Customizable Dashboard

Customizable Dashboard

Features of Inventory Management

Upload Inventory of Products in Excel Format

Manual Form Entry For Current Inventory

Project Wise Inventory Upload/ Entry

Add, Edit or Delete Projects

Product Pre-configuration Used in the Project

Add Members/ Supervisors For Project

Create, Send Purchase Order Request

Print PO/ Download as PDF/ E-mail PO Directly

Create Goods-in With Unique #GRN Number

Goods in With Respective PO

Goods in Export as PDF

Validation of Product Received with Special Environment Pre-specified

Manage Bills For Mutiple PO

Maintain Exact Copy of Invoice Sent By Clients

Tracking of Purchase Returns With Reference to Unique #GRN Number

Create Sales Order With Unique #SO-Number

Sales Order Approval

Create Goods-out With Unique #GIN- Number

Goods out Done With Reference to #SO- Number

Create Invoice For Sales With Unique Invoice Number

Tracking of Return Goods With Reference to #GIN-Number

Product Expiry Alerts before Product Expiry

Add, Edit or Delete Information of Vendors, Products, Product Category, and Warehouses

Create, Edit or Delete Composite Products

Warehouse Transfer Records

Interproject Transfer Records

Inventory Reports

Purchase Reports

Product Usage Reports

Product Remiburse Reports

Inventory Project Dashboard

Organization Dashboard

Graph of Total Stock Usage

Graph of Total Purchases

List of Products Under Reorder Level

Web based User Manual of the System

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