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Bidhee offers a diverse array of software solutions designed to streamline various aspects of business operations. Our range includes Construction ERP, HR Management & Payroll Software, Order Management Software, Sales CRM, Point of Sale System (POS), Accounts & Billing System. Each solution is comprehensively developed to enhance efficiency, improve productivity, and optimize processes across different industries.

Bidhee ERP

Bidhee ERP

Bidhee ERP is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning software designed to streamline and integrate business processes across various departments within an organization. It offers a centralized platform for managing core functions such as finance, human resources, supply chain, sales, and many...

Construction Management Software - ERP

Bidhee Construction ERP offers a robust, user-friendly, dynamic, and secure cloud-based platform designed to facilitate planning, management, prioritization, and successful delivery of construction projects. Tailored specifically for contractors, builders, and heavy worker professionals, this system...

Construction Management Software - ERP
HR Management & Payroll Software

HR Management & Payroll Software

Bidhee HR (Human Resource) and Payroll System is a cloud based human resource management platform and an independent module of Bidhee ERP. Bidhee HRIS covers the major areas of HR management i.e. Employee Information Management, Payroll and Benefits, Reports, Hiring and Recruitment, Training and Dev...

Procurement - Purchase & Inventory System

Inventory Management lets you manage all the orders and inventory. It includes various modules such as Vendor Management, Inventory Transfer, Stock Management, Purchase Order Management and many more. Many organizations have been using this system to manage order from the customers, track business r...

Procurement - Purchase & Inventory System
Accounts and Billing System

Accounts and Billing System

Our Account and Billing System records and processes the accounting transactions with the functional modules of accounting which are accounts payable, accounts receivable, journals, ledgers and payroll. Using account and billing software will give you automated invoice calculations, consistent invoi...

Order Management Software - App

Introducing Bidhee OMS: the ultimate Order Management and Sales Staff Tracking System with a mobile application. With its advanced features and competitor analysis capabilities, Bidhee OMS empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge. Seamlessly integrated with your...

Order Management Software - App
Point of Sale System (POS)

Point of Sale System (POS)

Point of Sale (POS) software is a crucial tool for businesses of all sizes, streamlining transactions and enhancing customer service. Whether it's a small boutique or a large chain, POS software helps businesses improve efficiency, increase sales, and deliver a seamless shopping experience for custo...

Bidhee Billing (IRD Approved)

Introducing our IRD Approved billing system, a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline your tax compliance process with ease and efficiency. Our software has undergone rigorous evaluation and meets all standards set by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), ensuring full compliance with tax regul...

Bidhee Billing (IRD Approved)
Sales CRM - Lead Management Software

Sales CRM - Lead Management Software

1. Sales CRM (Client Relationship Management) is an enterprise software that organizes client's contacts and manages lead pipelines. It centralizes all the information for the sales team to one system that will keep track of everything. Sales CRM could help organizations to improve their sales...